Benefits of Meal Planning to Save Time and Money

Meal planning helps save time in the kitchen and money in the pocket book. Meal planning makes it easy to answer the age-old question “what’s for dinner?” That’s a phrase that just drives me crazy. There are nights though where I really wish someone else would decide and fix dinner.

Notebook with Meal Planning written at top

Healthy Eating

Meal planning is one way to ensure you eat healthy. In my article about
eating healthy “A Simple Guide to determining if healthy eating is important” I discuss many different types of diet plans. Each of these diets takes planning to implement. Without meal planning it is extremely difficult to eat healthy meals.

We tend to make poor choices when
we are hungry and don’t know what we should eat. Meal planning makes sure that the right types of foods on hand when “hangry” happens.

Meal Planning to Save Money

Another benefit, which helps the wallet too, is shopping with a purpose. When you know what meals you are planning for the week there is no need to just get take out.

I plan breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks and create my grocery list from there. I do know people who only plan their dinners and then choose other items while at the store. That may work for them, but this will lead to impulse shopping and we all know what that can do to the budget.

When you know what meals you will be making ahead of time your shopping is focused on only the items you need to make the meals.

There is less food waste with meal planning. Just like budgeting to make sure every dollar has a job, shopping with a meal plan mean every food has a purpose. By using food wisely there is less waste.

Meal planning also means that you can shop seasonally. Creating meals based on which fruits and vegetables are in season provides two benefits.

1 you can try new recipes and bring variety to your diet and

2. You are getting fresh fruits and vegetables that usually cost less.

Saving Time with Meal Planning

Food prep is also easier when you know which meals you will be having for the week. You don’t waste your time deciding what to eat, defrosting what you need, or just saying “I don’t know what to fix”. This leads to let’s just eat out. I would like to food prep more and I will be doing an article about meal planning and food prep soon so come back for that.

Finally, Everyone join in with the meal planning and making process. As you meal plan ask your family what are their favorite meals. If you have little ones in the house that are picky eaters, they get to choose meals that you know they will eat.

I am sure there are many other benefits; please share your ideas below.